Sunday, July 06, 2008

My Asus EEE and the bus to St. Petersburg, Russia

I often wonder about the modern marvels of IT and the Internet. I am on my way to St. Petersburg in Russia on a bus and here I am writing this blog post with my Asus EEE, SCM Bluetooth dongle and Sony Ericsson K610i with (almost) broadband 3G connection. And it works great! The battery lifetime on the EEE of course sucks but I cannot complain since a few years back I couldnt even imagine using the Internet on a laptop in a bus.

I took my EEE with me on my trip because I hope to fins open WLANs in the city and update my blog as a diary from St. Petersburg. It is my first trip to Russia so I imagine I have a lot to write about. I will also be intresting to see Sanna's hometown. She will be showing me around and I guess there cannot be a better guide than a local.