A nostalgy trip - my BBS!
I noticed I had some old screenshots lying around of my old Bulletin Board System, BBS, RedZone! The system was operational from 1996 until 1999m which means I jumped on the BBS wave a bit too late since the big time for BBS' was in the early 90s. But I, as so many other, had a wonderful time running my own BBS and calling other's systems. It was a great way to learn to know other people and several of my good friends are ones I met online - in BBSs that is.
I believe I had about 800 users of which a few tens called regularly. My system attracted users mainly of the discussion forums. No, I wasn't one of the WaReZ boards ;) First I used my main computer as the board and tested it under DOS, but quite soon I got a dedicated PC running OS/2 Warp 3 and 4 with a SCSI disc :) Then later when OS/2 became a bit too old for doing anything else with, I moved over to Linux in 1998. I still have the bought version of RedHat Linux 5.2 lying around here somewhere!
The software I used is called BBBS (greets go to B!) of which I first used the OS/2 version and moved over to the Linux version. BBBS is still available as a shareware version with tons of features, including features supporting the Internet era and the author, B, still offers support for it.
Below are the four remaining screenshots of my board. I wish I took and saved more screenshots... :-/ Please, post your screenshots of your board if you have some!
Login screen
Note: My board offered free email to all users, which was a big thing in 1998.
My file section. About 1GB of files, carefully sorted by hand to include only quality (pictures, tracker music, demos and some shareware/freeware applications)
Bulletins - stats, my own scripts and other's and some door games.
(Greets go to Fopa for the color editor and login scroll!)
My last message to the board.
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