Saturday, December 22, 2007

Windows Live Writer ruulz!

Yes, I write this with Windows Live Writer. I heard about the products through the Twit's Windows Weekly podcast. I never thought the applications Microsoft would offer for free would be any good but I was proven wrong. I downloaded and installed Live Photo Gallery and this Live Writer and I have to say Microsoft has done a phenomenal job. Both applications are really easy to set up and do exactly what I would expect them to do!

With Image Gallery I can import photos from the camera, tag them, view them by date and more - but also publish them in Flickr! This is great! I love Google Picasa because of the integration to the web site with the photos. Now I can have the same for Flickr!

Posting to the blog site is always a bit tedious because I have to login to the web page and editing the posts just with the web browser never felt natural. This is great! Let's see if I even would post stuff more often ;)

Thanks Microsoft!

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