Nokia is doing great fanb...^Wcustomer service
I don't know about you, but usually when I think of Microsoft, HP or, say, Apple, I tend to think of large enterprises with very hush-hush relationship with their customers - and let's not forget about the "fanboys". We can read about the corporation and their products on their web pages and nice looking product ads and press releases will pop up once in a while. Oh yeah, and I am writing this on the eve of Apple's WWDC, before the event. I bet every single Apple fanboy is wetting their pants at the moment. I can understand them; Apple comes out and presents something new in Steve Job's great mass-like chanting on how everything is superb, wonderful and let's not forget great. "Boom".
But Nokia is doing things a bit different. Nokia has quitely openened Nokia Converstions. I haven't seen it mentioned in a lot of media, even IT centered. It is a Nokia web pages that aggregates and comments on things written about Nokia, and their products, in blogosphere. People get to interact with the giant corporation in a new way that I haven't seen before done by any other major company, let alone a IT company. I think it is Nokia's way of saying thet the company listens to the customers and fans and want to have a two way dialogue going on. Of course they will use the page to promote new things inside Nokia, but also show that Nokia follows trends; they talk about Twitter, social networking, blogging, Mac support and about a lot of other stuff that I don't normally see a "large stiff corporation" talk about. Also, they welcome criticue and try to improve things.
Of course, they will not talk about some things which is fully understandable. But I think this is a great way to interact with real users that in the end use the devices, services and software. Hope other companies would follow Nokia's example.
Thanks for the kind words!
Oh, sorry. Forgot to mention. We also have stuff on YouTube, Share on Ovi, Flickr, and SlideShare. And you can follow our updates on FreindFeed.
Our links are at the bottom right of our pages.
Thanks Nokia Conversation! Great stuff. I think this proves my point ;)
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